Edith Matzalik

Born: 22 September 1903 in Brno, Moravia, Austria-Hungary
Died: 21 January 1968 in Vienna, Austria
Religious denomination: Protestant (Lutheran)

1919 – 1921 Staatsgewerbeschule für Baufach (State School of Construction) in the 1st district of Vienna 1
1921 – 1924 Kunstgewerbeschule Wien, Architecture class under Oskar Strnad
1924 – 1926 Technisch-gewerbliche Lehranstalt Wien 1 (technical and commercial college in the 1st district of Vienna), building construction department
Edith Matzalik
Education centre and library Heiligenstädter Straße 155, 1190 Vienna


The Matzalik family had moved from Brno to Vienna. Daughter Edith Matzalik was able to attend primary and secondary school in Vienna. Afterwards, her interest in technology led her to the Staatsgewerbeschule für Baufach (State School of Construction) in Vienna’s 1st district. However, her career aspirations became: ‘Interior design, management of a (possibly own) arts and crafts workshop’, as she stated on the first “Nationale”, the form she had to fill in when she entered the Kunstgewerbeschule (School of Arts and Crafts). In her first year, she was enrolled in the general theory of form class with Karl Witzmann and Franz Cizek. She then decided to enrol in Oskar Strnad’s architecture class and also attended building construction classes with Josef Frank. In 1924, at the age of 21, she graduated from the Kunstgewerbeschule with the following overall judgement from her teachers in her leaving certificate:

‘Miss Edith Matzalik is very talented, serious, reliable, conscientious and has a clear sense of form. She is clear, clever and sensitive, but her self-control ensures that it never gets in the way of objectivity and reason. She is a master of construction work and is very suitable for all practical, domestic architectural work.’

To complete her education, she returned to the building construction department of the technical and commercial college, where she passed her school-leaving examination with honours in 1926. She then worked for a year as a construction technician in the office of architect Franz Schuster. It was probably in this year that she came into contact with the Gesellschafts- und Wirtschaftsmuseum (GWM) – the Austrian Society and Economy Museum in Vienna, founded by Otto Neurath in 1924. From 1927, she was active in scientific research as an employee of the GWM. The graphic artist Gerd Arntz was there from 1928, developing the Viennese method of image statistics with Neurath. Edith Matzalik prepared graphic representations in the field of urban development and housing and learnt to use the linocut technique for these representations. From 1931, the Gesellschafts- und Wirtschaftsmuseum co-operated with the Izostat Institute in Moscow. Some Viennese employees, including Edith Matzalik, moved to Moscow and worked regularly with Russian graphic designers.

During his stays in Moscow, Otto Neurath often visited Margarete Schütte-Lihotzky, whom he knew well from their joint work for the Vienna Settlement Movement. Schütte-Lihotzky had lived and worked in Moscow since 1930 as a member of Ernst May’s team of experts. It is very likely that the two architects, Margarete and Edith, knew and met each other in Moscow. Margarete Schütte-Lihotzky mentioned in a letter to her sister Adele in Vienna (November 1931): “Neurath has signed a contract for his museum and will probably come more often now, as will Bauermeister and Matzalik, so that there will be constant direct traffic Vienna – Moscow through the museum.“

In 1934, the GWM association in Vienna was dissolved by the corporative state regime, and the co-operation with Izostat also came to an end. Edith Matzalik stayed longer in Moscow and worked for Izostat. In her curriculum vitae, she stated that she was “in the same position in Moscow“  from 1934 to 1936 and was active as a self-employed architect from 1936 to 1940. Edith Matzalik appears to have lived and worked in Vienna again from 1936.

In 1940, she took on a contract for work at the Reichsbauamt Innerer Stadt II (the Reich Construction Office II), from August 1942 to 1943 she was active in the Eastern Planning Department and from November 1943 until the end of the war in the Reichsbauamt Innerer Stadt II for the preparation of planning documents for Lambach Abbey.

She used her graphic skills in drawing for special effects and tricks at Wien-Film, e.g. for the documentary films Augen 1941 and Dein besseres Ich 1942.

After the end of the war, Edith Matzalik was employed by the Vienna City Planning Department from 1946. She was involved in many urban planning tasks and was responsible for exhibition visualisations. Edith Matzalik was on the jury of the organisers of the exhibition Die Frau und ihre Wohnung in December 1950 and was responsible for the exhibition panels.  The exhibition focussed on the general improvement of living culture, with women being seen as the main point of contact for housing and household goods.

In 1951, she resigned from the City of Vienna. In order to become self-employed, she applied to the Chamber of Engineers to become authorised as an architect with proof of more than 10 years of practice. The chamber refused. However, the Federal Ministry of Trade and Reconstruction approved the certificate. She was granted authorisation to take the civil engineering examination, which she passed in December 1952. Finally, in 1954, she obtained the licence to practice as an architect and opened her office in Vienna 15. As an independent architect, she was often commissioned to work in consortiums with several architects, including on the planning of the Marianne and Oscar-Pollak-Hof municipal housing complex in the 21st district. She also worked on studies commissioned by the city and published on various urban planning issues.

In 1966, she moved her office to the ground floor of the building in Vienna’s 10th district, where she also lived.

She planned a kindergarten in the 22nd district, which was under construction in 1968 when she died very suddenly. The final planning was almost complete. After the architect’s death, the kindergarten was completed by the substitute architect Friedrich Pangratz.

Works (selection)

1957 – 1960 Residential complex of the City of Vienna, Heiligenstädter Straße/ Grinzingerstraße, 1190 Vienna (with the architects Friedrich Pangratz and Fritz Kastner)

1960 Education centre and library Heiligenstädter Straße 155, 1190 Vienna (with architects Friedrich Pangratz and Fritz Kastner)

1958 – 1969 Residential complex of the City of Vienna, Marianne and Oscar-Pollak-Hof, Dunantgasse 10-18, Prager Straße 31, 1210 Vienna (architects involved: Alois Brunner, Otto Frank, Josef Horacek, Fritz Kastner, Edith Matzalik, Friedrich Pangratz, Wilhelm Reichel, Hans Riedel, Elisabeth Riegler, Norbert Schlesinger)

1968 Kindergarten of the City of Vienna, Eipeldauerstraße 25, 1220 Vienna



Wiener Planungsprobleme. Streiflichter aus den Arbeiten der Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Raumforschung und Planung, I. Planung und Wirklichkeit, in: Der Aufbau, June 1953, p.232-233

Der Stadtrand am linken Donauufer, in: Wien – die Stadt und ihr Umland, Vienna 1956, p.10-14

Schulraumbedarf in neuen Wohngebieten. Untersuchung im Auftrag der Stadtbauamtsdirektion – Gruppe Stadtplaner, Vienna, April 1963


Arbeiterbildung in der Zwischenkriegszeit. Otto Neurath – Gerd Arntz, ed.: Friedrich Stadler, Österreichisches Gesellschafts- und Wirtschaftsmuseum, Vienna/ Munich 1982

Gerd Arntz: Otto Neurath, ich und die Bildstatistik. Soziologie, 45. Jg., Edition 4, 2016, p. 365–370

AT-OeSTA/ Austrian State Archives, Archiv der Republik, Edith Matzalik

Baubewilligung Wohnhausanlage Heiligenstädterstr./ Grinzingerstr., in: Amtsblatt vom 15.9.1956

Bauwesen Teil II, Bildbeispiele aus dem Bauschaffen der Stadt Wien, 1960, p. 455

Die Frau und ihre Wohnung: Der Aufbau, Wien, 2/ 1951, p. 61f

Günter Krenn: Die Kulturfilme der Wien-Film 1938-1945, Schriftenreihe des österreichischen Filmarchivs,episode 29, Wien 1992

Diploma and leaving certificate Edith Matzalik from the Art Collection and Archive of the University of Applied Arts Vienna (Archive UaK)

Austrian Museum of Society and Economy (ÖGWM), thanks for the information to Mr Gerhard Halusa, 25.01.2024

Günther Sandner: Otto Neurath: Eine politische Biographie, Vienna 2014

Astrit Schmidt-Burkhardt: Die Kunst der Diagrammatik, Bielefeld, 2017

Stadtrand und wilde Siedlungen als Problem, in: Der Aufbau, Wien, 6/1949, p. 36

Edith Matzalik | filmportal.de  (retrieved 05.01.2024)

https://www.wienerwohnen.at/hof/43/Marianne-und-Oscar-Pollak-Hof.html  (retrieved 10.10.2023)

Foto Portrait: Archive ÖGWM

Foto Werk: Foto: C. Zwingl


Text: Christine Zwingl

March 2024