Research Project

Our aim in the first phase of this project is to give visibility to the female pioneers in architecture in Austria.

The research was started in 2021 through the initiative of the Margarete Schütte-Lihotzky Club, then located in 1030 Vienna, Untere Weißgerberstraße 41 in the Margarete Schütte-Lihotzky Raum. After the club moved and the Margarete Schütte-Lihotzky Zentrum (MSL Zentrum) was founded in the former apartment of architect Margarete Schütte-Lihotzky at 1050 Vienna, Franzensgasse 16/40, the MSL Zentrum is now the sponsor of the project.

Diploma Friedericke Niedermoser, born Domnosil

Female Pioneers in Architecture

These were the questions we began our research with. The starting point is the lack of specific research on the first female architects in Austria.

It is our concern to review the history of women in architecture in Austria and to place it in the historical context in order to make these women visible and to broaden the general understanding and knowledge of the subject. The first phase of our research focuses on the female pioneers in architecture in Vienna from 1880 – 1938. Our mission is to establish basic knowledge about the first women who chose the profession of the architect. Through our research, we aim to contribute to the Austrian history of architecture and women and to show role models for the 21st century.

In cooperation with the Architekturzentrum Az W Wien (Architecture Centre Vienna), the existing database of female architects of the Az W will be made available for editing and the missing women will be added in the course of the project.

This new website was created to make the female pioneers in architecture visible to the public and to make our research easily accessible using modern technology. 

Research at the Architectural Education Institutions in Vienna

In the archives of the three Viennese architectural training institutions, systematic research was conducted on women who had begun or completed an architectural education up to 1938. The initial situation at the archives of the three education centres and the research situation in the archives were very different.

Archives of the Wiener Kunstgewerbeschule (now the University of Applied Arts)

The Art Collection and Archive of the University of Applied Arts Vienna contains all class catalogues from 1868 onwards. This includes the Nationale enrolments forms, which were filled out by the students every school year, annual reports and graduation certificates issued from 1890 onwards (older certificates are not available in the KGS Archive).

Furthermore, digital media are available:  The 4D database contains information on all individuals, with digitised data on teachers and students. The MuseumsPlus database contains information on the inventory of the collection, in form of descriptions and in some cases images.


Women could be admitted to the k. k. Kunstgewerbeschule since its foundation in 1868. Between 1873 and 1913, 56 women were enrolled in architecture programs. These were mainly concerned with decorative interior design such as embroidery and lace work. From 1913 to the 1937/38 school year, 93 women were registered. Of these, 40 graduated. From 1913, Josef Hoffmann and Heinrich Tessenow led architecture classes, and from 1914, Oskar Strnad as well. This differentiated the architecture classes and the teaching. Tessenow taught building construction for the first time in addition to the specialist class.  In the Hoffmann class, training in the arts and crafts predominated, while in the Strnad class students were also interested in theatre and stage design. Therefore, only female students with an entry in the catalogue for architectural education, such as “interior design or house construction”, are included.

Additionally, there were 5 female students who completed or began an artistic education and then entered architecture or interior design or followed a further educational path and are known from literature, such as Ella Briggs-Baumfeld.

Archives of the former Technische Hochschule Wien (today Technische Universität Wien)

The following literature was fundamental for the archival research at the TU Wien (formerly known as ‘Technische Hochschule Wien’). Juliane Mikoletzky, Ute Georgeacopol-Winischhofer, Margit Pohl: “Dem Zuge der Zeit entsprechend …” Zur Geschichte des Frauenstudiums in Österreich am Beispiel der Technischen Universität Wien, WUV-Universitätsverlag Wien, 1997.

This book lists all women who enrolled for architectural studies at the TU Wien from 1919/20 to 1944/45. It contains short biographies of some of the women, while the rest are listed in the appendix in chronological and alphabetical order of the year of their enrolment. It also shows the ‘struggle’ for admission as a regular or non-degree student.



At the Technische Hochschule Wien, women were only able to study as full auditors from 07.04.1919. Women who aspired to study technology even before admission were Leonie Pilewska and Ella Briggs-Baumfeld, the latter of whom was one of the first guest students at the Building School of the TH Wien in 1916-1918. A total of 103 women were identified at the Technical University. 43 of them graduated with 2nd-level state exam. 15 of them graduated with 1st-level state exam. 5 of them were only non-degree students (Pilewska, Zimbler, Sparre, Ohmann, Duczynska), 5 of them graduated with a doctorate.

University Archives of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna

Here the archive management already created an inventory of all women who have ever studied at the university. Therefore, all female students could be queried digitally by year of study or class. In addition, there is a digital document for each woman who studied in architecture classes from 1920 to 1938, in which all archived materials on study information are compiled and scanned. This generally contained: the ‘Nationale’ (enrolment form), a study record sheet, furthermore scholarships, sometimes correspondence, sometimes the tasks of the design projects to be completed or the content of the diploma thesis, and upon graduation the certificate of qualification as an academically educated architect ‘Diplomarchitekt’.



Women were allowed to study at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna from 1920 onwards. 16 women studied in master schools of architecture at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna between 1920 and 1938. Of these, 8 graduated (5 even with good success). All of them studied in the 1930s.

Art Collection and Archive of the University of Applied Arts

204 Women Received an Architectural Education in Vienna in the Period from 1913 to 1937/1938

Altogether, a total of 204 women were identified as having received an architectural education in Vienna in the period from 1913 to 1937/1938. Of these, 93 attended Kunstgewerbeschule, 103 Technische Hochschule and 16 Akademie der Bildenden Künste. These figures include women who studied only briefly as well as those who graduated. 8 women studied at more than one architectural training institution, and 5 even held two degrees in Vienna. A total of 5 women who enrolled before 1938 earned their doctorates between 1935 and 1947. 9 women were able to obtain a degree abroad.


Adeler, Ingemarie
Aleksic Gordana, Grete, geb. Weiss
Alexander, Helene
Angeloff, Victoria
Assim Tourgoud, Leyla


Babnigg, Helmtraut Hertha, geb. Jenkner
Bächler, Margaretha Rosa
Bachrach, Henriette
Banki, Zsuszanna (Susanne)
Baranyai, Masa
Bartos, Therese
Baumgarten, Gertraut
Beck, Maria
Behliss, Ulrike
Bernheimer, Ilse
Bertolini, Senta
Bettelheim, Franziska Margit
Binstock, Erna
Blauensteiner, Waltraud, geb. Vogel
Bloch, Karola, geb. Piotrkowska
Bolldorf-Reitstätter, Martha
Bondy, Milena
Brettschneider, Frieda
Briggs, Ella, geb. Baumfeld
Broser, Frieda
Bühler, Ingeborg
Burlingham, Mary


Cargnelli, Anna Maria, geb. Mahler
Close,Lisl geb. Scheu
Coën, Slawa geb. Walewa


Deuticke-Szabo, Christa
Dicker, Friedl
Diem, Martha
Dietrich, Hilde
Döring, Hilda geb.Kuras
Drennig von Pietra Rossa, Klothilde


Eckenstorfer, Maria
Ehlers, Irmgard
Ehrlich, Hildegard
Eisler, Josefine geb. Kraus
Engl, Lilly
Erb, Charlotte
Ertelt, Gertrude


Fazekas, Elisabeth
Fenyö, Mari
Feuer, Edeltraud
Fingerlos, Margarete Antonia
Fischer, Alice
Fischer-Paganetti, Martha
Franken, Edith geb. Kruspl
Friedenberg, Hilda
Frühwirth, Hermine


Gad (Goldberg), Dora geb.Siegel
Gatternigg, Elisabeth
Gebhardt, Ingwelde
Geldwerth Rachela, Renate
Gemes, Olga
Gerner, Ruth
Ginter, Valerie
Glattauer, Marianne
Gnaiger, Adelheid
Goedecke, Erika
Goldschmied, Anna
Goldwater, Mary
Gollob, Hedwig
Gomperz, geb. Stepnitz, Adele
Gorlitzer, Leonore
Gourary, Judith
Gregurich, Friederike
Grigkar-Kapinus, Erna
Groag, Jacqueline geb. Blumberger
Güntner, Anna
Guschinsky, Helene



Hajek, Friedel
Hassl, Anna
Hauber, Alice
Hecht, Auguste 
Heidecker, Wilhelmine
Held, Margit
Hendler, Miriam
Hönig Jetty, rekte Chodorov


Jakobi, Gerta
Jakub, Jutta
Janka, Gabriele
Johnson, Priszilla
Jokl, Alice
Jurmann, Blanka


Kalmar, Elzie
Karner, Edit
Katinka, Judith geb. Zweig
Kehveto, Helma
Klapholz, Anna
Klosenberg, Stefanie
Knell, Friederike
Koci, Ilse geb. Weschta
Koller-Buchwieser, Helene
Kopel, Rebeka
Kopriva, Ernestine
Kosetschek, Johanna
Krastanova, Theodora Iliewa
Krzyzanowski-Bulfon, Trude
Kubasta, Maria
Kulisz, Lydia
Kupsky, Friederike geb. Lüftner
Kutzbach, Irene geb. Hittaller


Lachner-Hofbauer, Elisabeth
Lagus, Frieda
Langer-Beranek, Anna
Latzenhofer, Luise
Lazar, Elzy
Lee, Hortense
Lefterowa-Gnam, Stella
Lessel, Edith
Leutzendorff, Anne-Marie
Libano-Zeissl, Ida
Ludwig, Pauline


Manhardt, Ulrike geb. Grom-Rottmayer
Marizy, Eleonore
Matzalik, Edith
Maier, Ines Viktoria
Meitner, Amalie
Mendelsohn, Edith
Meth, Gerda
Metzger, Margarete, geb. Heimerich
Morgenstern, Gertrude
Mossig, Gertrud
Musel, Rosa Maria
Muthwill, Brigitte geb. Kundl


Nagel, Eugenie geb. Pillat
Nandar, Katalin
Nauheim, Hermine
Neumann-Spallart, Erna geb. Beck
Neunteufl, Martha
Niedermoser, Friederike, geb. Domnosil
Nießen, Elisabeth


Opl, Grete
Orzech, Jadwiga


Payer, Friede C.
Pendl, Luise
Petter, Maria geb. Cerny
Pfann, Wilhelmine geb. Ohmann
Piech, Hertha
Pietsch, Lucia geb. Rappos
Pilewski-Karlsson, Leonie
Pippal-Kottnig, Eugenie
Ploberger, Isabella geb. Hartl
Polanyi, Helene (Ilona) geb. Duczynska
Pongrátz, Elisabeth Mathilde geb. Porges
Prati vereh. Haerdtl, Maria Carmela


Radermacher-Kraus, Susanne
Ramsauer, Hertha
Regnier, Lionore, geb. Perin
Reik, Irene
Resseguier, Eleonora
Robeff, Natascha
Rodeck, Melitta
Roque-Gourary, Judith
Roset, Erika, geb. Nußbaum
Roth, Helene
Rotter-Ortner, Maria Anna
Rudofsky-Rességuier, Elfriede
Rysavy, Juliana


Sagner, Emma
Scheithauer, Frieda
Schrom, Leopoldine
Schütte-Lihotzky, Margarete
Schwammer, Hertha
Schwarz, Bella
Seeland, Marianne
Sequenz, Ilse geb. Wildt
Skala, Lilia, geb. Sofer
Sonnenschein, Elly
Sparre, Edel
Specker, Heidi
Speyer, Katharina (Kitty)
Spiegel, Eleonore
Stahlberger, Olga
Steiner, Liselotte
Stern, Sophie Dorothea
Sternberg, Marianne
Summers, Anna


Tauschinski, Gertrud
Teller, Elisabeth
Trinkl, Maria


Uhde v. Reichenbach, Karin
Unterweger, Stephanie
Urban, Margarete


Vogel-Blauensteiner, Waltraud


Weihs, Elisabeth
Weil Annie Luci
Weinberger Gertrude
Weinfeld, Regine
Weiser, Rosa
Weissenberg, Stella
Wernikowska Jana
Witte, Gertrud
Wittrich, Grete
Wohlrab Emilie
Wolf-Epinger, Anna


Zak, Margarete geb. Hoffmann
Zalodek Gertrud
Zentner, Charlotte
Ziegler, Hedwig geb. Prokesch
Zimbler, Liane, geb. Juliane Fischer


sommerliche Teestunde: Neues aus dem Forschungsprojekt Architektur Pionierinnen

23 May 2024, 5.30 pm
MSL Centre – Online
Conversation with Christine Oertel, Miriam Thöni and Christine Zwingl

Symposium Margarete Schütte-Lihotzky und Friedl Dicker-Brandeis: Raum – Kunst – Politik. Zwei Gestalterinnen im 20. Jahrhundert

11 and 12 April 2024
University of Applied Arts Vienna
Vordere Zollamtsstraße 7, 1030 Vienna, FLUX 2
Cooperation between the Art Collection and Archive of the University of Applied Arts Vienna and the Margarete Schütte-Lihotzky Centre.
With lectures by Christine Oertel and Christine Zwingl

Tea Time
Wie wollen Frauen wohnen?

22 February 2024
MSL Centre
A conversation on current research findings and experiences between Marie-Noëlle Yazdanpanah and Katrin Pilz from the organisation Einküchenhaus. Verein zur Erforschung emanzipatorischer Wohnmodelle and Christine Oertel and Christine Zwingl representing the research project Female Pioneers in Architecture.

Book Presentation
Margarete Schütte-Lihotzky. Architecture. Politics. Gender. New Perspectives on Her Life and Work

2 October 2023
MSL Centre
We had the pleasure to present the first comprehensive English publication on Margarete Schütte-Lihotzky together with the editors Marcel Bois and Bernadette Reinhold.


12 May – 23 June 2023
Architektur Haus Kärnten, Klagenfurt
The exhibition was part of the programme’s special focus on FRAUEN BAUEN (WOMEN BUILDING), with the opening lecture held by Christine Zwingl.

on International Women's Day
Female Pioneers in Architecture in Vienna

8 March 2023
MSL Centre – Online
Conversation with Christine Oertel, Carmen Trifina and Christine Zwingl

Lecture and Discussion
Architektur-Pionierinnen vor den Vorhang! #1

23 February 2022
Architektur Zentrum Wien Az W
Presentation of the research project Female Pioneers in Architecture with Monika Platzer, Head of the Az W Collection

Research Team

Christine Zwingl, Architect, Margarete Schütte-Lihotzky Expert, Director of the Margarete Schütte-Lihotzky Zentrum, Founder of the MSL Club and the MSL Raum.

Miriam Thöni Altstätter

Art History student at the University of Vienna since March 2023

Christine Oertel

Mag.a, long-time employee of Simon Wiesenthal, research associate on a research project for the Austrian Historical Commission, currently freelance contemporary historian.

Collaboration since December 2021


Carmen Trifina

BSc., master student of architecture at TU Wien, working for the Margarete Schütte-Lihotzky Raum since 2017, currently for the MSL Zentrum.

Collaboration from
March 2021 until summer 2023


Gehad Bondok

Architecture student at the TU Wien.

Collaboration from November 2021 until March 2022


Sabina Riss, Architect, Architectural Researcher, Univ.Ass.Post-doc at the TU Wien Architecture and Spatial Planning.

Collaboration from March 2021 to January 2022